Membership Criteria
Membership of CamARB is open, first and foremost, to alumni and alumnae of the University who have an interest in arbitration. The precise nature of your involvement in the arbitral process is unimportant, though the main examples of those who are likely to benefit most from membership are solicitors, barristers, arbitrators, in-house counsel, expert witnesses, judges, civil servants, funders and those frequently participating in arbitrations as parties.
In order to join as an alumnus or alumna, you must have matriculated within the University and have studied within the University for one of the following degrees:
Bachelor of Arts and such other Bachelor’s degrees as may be established by Special Ordinance;
Master of Arts;
Such other Master’s degrees as may be established by Special Ordinance;
Doctor of Philosophy and such other Doctor’s degrees as may be established by Special Ordinance;
Bachelor of Divinity;
Master of Surgery; and
Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Law, Doctor of Medical Science, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Letters and Doctor of Music.
CamARB also welcomes current academic staff of the University who have an interest in arbitration (whether or not they are also alumni or alumnae of the University).
If you have any questions about these criteria, please contact the Secretary (